• 2022

    De Wet, J.; Wetzelhütter, D.; Nnebedum, Ch.; Bacher, J.

    Testing the Comprehensiveness of Schwartz‘s Ten Value Types with help from Rokeach. Journal of Social Sciences 18(1): 107-125, DOI:10.3844/jssp.2022.107.125

  • 2021

    Wetzelhütter, D., Bacher, J. & De Wet, J.

    Das zweidimensionale Wertemodell von Shalom Schwartz: S2-D – Ein Computerprogramm zur Visualisierung und Validierung von MDS-Ergebnissen des Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-21). In J. Reinecke & C. Tarnai (eds), Klassifikationsanalysen in den Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 309-337. Münster, Germany: Waxmann (ISBN 978-3-8309-4361-7).


  • 2020

    Wetzelhütter, D., Nnebedum, C., De Wet, J. & Bacher, J.

    (online & in print) Testing a Modified Version of Schwartz’s Portrait Values Questionnaire to Measure Organizational Values in a University Context. Journal of Human Values, pp. 1-19 https://doi.org/10.1177/0971685820943398

  • 2020

    De Wet, J.P., Wetzelhütter, D. & Bacher, J.

    (2020, online; 2021 in print) Standardising the Reproduction of Schwartz’s Two-dimensional Value Space using Multi-dimensional Scaling and Goodness-of-Fit Test Procedures. Quality & Quantity International Journal of Methodology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-020-01041-2


  • 2018

    De Wet, J.P., Wetzelhütter, D. & Bacher, J.,

    (2018 online, 2019 in print) Re-visiting the trans-situationality of values in Schwartz’s Portrait Values Questionnaire. Quality & Quantity International Journal of Methodologyhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-018-0784-8 

  • 2016

    De Wet, J.; Bacher, J. & Wetzelhütter, D.

    Towards Greater Validity in Schwartz’s Portrait Values Indicator using Experimental Research. In: Quality & Quantity. Vol. 50, Issue 4. p. 1567-1587.


  • 2015

    De Wet, J.P., Bacher, J., & Wetzelhütter, D

    (2015 online, 2016 in print) Towards greater validity in Schwartz’s portrait values indicator using experimental research. Quality & Quantity International Journal of Methodology, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1567-1587. DOI 10.1007/s11135-015-0221-1 . (ISSN 0033-5177, Springer)


  • 2019

    Wetzelhütter, D., Bacher, J., De Wet, J., Reidinger, J., Altenstraßer, Chr., Schwendtner, Chr.

    S2-D Software – Reproducing, Evaluation and Visualizing Schwartz’s Two-Dimensional Value Space. Available at: https://s2-dsoftware.fh-linz.at